I printed some activity pages and coloring sheet for this lesson. We also had prizes for kids that volunteered to pray out loud for us. Every meeting, I’d ask someone to open or close us in prayer and i’ve explained how easy it is and it’s just talking to Jesus. So this time, I had some candy for those that volunteered… i’m hoping they will continue to gain confidence praying out loud in a group.
SUMMARY | John 11- The Death of Lazarus
Jesus’s friend Lazarus is sick and dying, but Jesus did not come right away. Going to see Lazarus meant death for him. The Jews were trying to kill him for healing on the Sabbath day. Upon receiving the message, Jesus says that this will not end in death and it will bring glory to God. On the 3rd day He says, “it’s time” to go to Bethany (where Lazarus was).
Martha goes out to meet Jesus and says he didn’t come in time. Then Mary. 11:35 “Jesus Wept.” (we emphasized that this is the shortest book of the Bible and it’s easy to memorize.) Jesus is super emotional. He has compassion and love for them. He hurts when we hurt. Jesus prays and then calls Lazarus out. He came out. (I asked all the kids to show me what face they’d have if they saw Lazarus come out. Many believed, but some went to tell the Pharisees.