GIFT GUIDE | For the New Year

Getting towards the end of the year, I think about January Goals. They are pretty much always the same. I want to do something that starts the new year off feeling good. I want to gulp down veggies after indulging. I want to get excited about working out. I want to draw closer to God on a daily basis. I want to take care of my body, heart, and soul.

I have tried multiple cleanses or drinks (some much less $$$ than this one listed) but you can’t beat Living Kitchen’s drinks. If you look at the ingredients, most other juice cleanses contain SO much cucumber and are limited on taste. Living Kitchen’s is the perfect balance of veggie combined with just the right amount of sweetness. I felt energized all day long. And they are having a buy 2 get 1 free sale!

After drinking SO much coffee (or wine) to get through the season, these white strips work wonders on my teeth.

HSM Core. I’m obsessed. Combined with diet, I think it would be hard NOT to get abs taking this class. It is SO good. If you’re looking to tone, like interval training, and want a challenge this class is perfect. They have a good schedule, too.

I have already started this devotional. There are 365, and each day is about 1 page. It is very thought-provoking and a good start to my day. He also wrote a parenting book I highly recommend! (parenting with the 14 gospel principles). Hoping my husband and I can read that one together this coming year.

Steam cleaner. Need to refresh my carpets more often. We try not to wear shoes upstairs and not to have food/drinks, but sometimes you’re in survival mode and rules slip. I borrowed our neighbors, and now I’m ready to get my own. You need a whole day… and a babysitter ha!

Microblading. Brows are a must for me. I filled them in every morning, and that just takes so much time and precision! I decided to go with the semi-permanent microblading procedure after researching all the benefits. I drove to Natasha in Raleigh, because her portfolio was the best I had seen. You have one initial appointment (that lasts about 2 hrs) and then you come again 4-6 weeks later for another fill in or assessment. They last for up to 2 years. And if you get it done before the 2 year mark, she’ll do it again for half price! I LOVE getting up in the morning or after the shower!

  1. Juice Cleanse (Living Kitchen) $110
  2. Crest White Strips
  3. HSM WorkOut Package
  4. Paul David Tripp New Morning Mercies Devotional
  5. Steam Cleaner
  6. Eyebrow Microblading
  7. Oxo Pop Top Containers (not pictured)


Pistachio Salad | Recipes

I have 10,000 recipes for salads. I eat them as meals and not as sides. I love getting a mix of veggies, fruits, proteins, grains, etc all in one meal. Then, I make the toppings as a meal for my kiddos who don’t eat “salads.” They’ll eat chicken, fruit, rice, farro, etc and occasionally the “crunchy lettuce” (romaine stems).

I love making dressings and shopping at the Olive Oil store. There is a difference! I’ve tried expensive grocery store brands and they just aren’t the same. I love the full bodied tuscan and herbs de provence oils and mixing them with various balsamic vinegars. I’ll post more on my favorite combos later.

This salad is a crowd pleaser. And it is super simple!


  • bag of arugula
  • 1/2c chopped roasted pistachios
  • farro (they also sell microwavable kind at target)
  • vegetable broth (optional)
  • 1-2 lemons
  • goat cheese
  • bit of honey
  • herbs de provence olive oil

Cook the the farro with 1/2 water and 1/2 vegetable broth according to package.

Layer arugula, chopped pistachios, and cooled farro. Zest the lemon on top of the salad. Add the goat cheese ( I just scrape the log of cheese with a fork). For the dressing, I add the juice of one lemon, about 4oz of olive oil, a tad bit of honey, and sea salt and fresh cracked pepper to a mason jar and whisk. All of this is to taste. Add more or less of what you like. Then pour over and toss.

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Roasted Veggies | Recipes

I make veggies a million different ways. I tried this version linked below, and I loved the softness of the veggies.. not mushy, but not crunchy either. I substituted coconut oil for olive oil the second time around and liked the sweetness it added better. This method will be my go to and would make an amazing side dish for Thanksgiving. (maybe even add some dried cranberries?). The linked recipe adds a maple balsamic reduction.. I could take it or leave it. No matter what, they are SO SO good!


  • Veggies (I used cubed butternut squash, cubed sweet potatoes, tri-color carrots, and red onion)
  • 3 heaping spoonfuls of coconut oil 
  • pecans
  • herbs de province
  • salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350.

Melt coconut oil then add veggies, herbs, and salt and pepper and mix well.

Spread them evenly on a pan (i used tin foil sprayed with pam for easier clean up).

Cook 45 mins, stirring occasionally.

Add pecans and stir on the pan. Cook for 5-8 more minutes.


Alternative recipe:

5 Tips to Healthier Eating

  1. Instagram– Follow people that inspire healthy eating… I follow a bunch but here are a few faves: @minimalistbaker , @thebigmansworld , @LindsayKingdon , @edgarraw and @inspiralized
  2. Pinterest- I am constantly referring to my FOOD pinterest board for meal ideas, planning, and grocery lists.
  3. Restaurants– I love scouting out new places and re-creating things i’ve ordered off their menu at home. Most places have their menus posted online. They don’t have ratios or recipes, but ingredients are so helpful to try new pairings and omit things I don’t really like. Some places I’m searching right now are: The Hive, Flower Child, and Sweet Greens that I visit in Santa Monica. And Lunas, here in charlotte.
  4. The Right Cookbooks- I don’t always go by cookbooks– i mean, who has time? But when I do, I love 100 Days Real Food and Clean Eating with a Dirty Mind for sweets (and making that maple sugar I posted on Instagram). Barnes and Noble has a plethora to thumb through (right next to the legos- score!). I love simple ingredients and eating clean.
  5. Weekly Grocery List – I recently started a weekly grocery list (still a work in progress) that allows me to make multiple meals, while also restocking my most used items. I know that every week, I need these things.. and then i’ll make another trip I’ll send my husband to get items to make a more defined meal or things that last longer and have just run out (like balsamic vinegar, olive oil, etc). I cannot shop for the whole week in 1 trip. My produce either goes bad or uneaten depending on what our tastebuds are craving. With this list, you can print it off or put it in your Reminders Section on your phone and share it with your husband 😉 to keep on hand and mark things as purchased.

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When Gray is out of town, and all the kids want to be in the kitchen, I try to give them things that they can help with. I just finished a juice cleanse and wanted something healthy and quick. I went to pinterest to find some detox soups and found some ideas.

The girls chopped the veggies with these kid-friendly knives from amazon and Lennox gnawed on some raw carrots. Even if I don’t end up using their creations, I like that they can stay busy and also learn about ingredients.

This recipe is super simple and quick.

Time: about 20-25mins  | Serves 2-3… just double the portions to serve more

Boil 3 cups of water and add 1 cup tri-color quinoa (you can probably substitute rice or another grain if you want). I added some rosemary, thyme, and basil, plus cracked black pepper.

While that is boiling for 15 mins, chop carrots, yellow onion, and garlic. Sautee them over olive oil for about 6 mins. I like to be an olive oil snob and use Herbs de province that I got from Olive This by Trader Joes. It makes SUCH a difference in taste and i use it for everything from veggie roasting to salad dressings.

When the veggies are done, add them to the quinoa. When the 15 mins is up, add a parmesan rind and the zest and juice of 1 lemon. I also had some shredded chicken left over that I through in as well. Simmer for 5-10 mins or until ready to eat.

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smoothie bowls & wheat grass

Processed with VSCO with a6 presetI found this on pinterest (see below) and it helped me get the right consistency for my smoothie bowls. I make mine in a Ninja Pro  and it takes more pulses than a vitamix probably would but still blends everything really well for the price!

My 2 favorite smoothie bowls are:  (Frozen Strawberries + Frozen blueberries or wild berries + justins pb + 1/2 c spinach + 1/2 c apple juice and added 1/4 tsp dried wheat grass powder + toppings)

2) frozen strawberries + frozen banana + almond butter + vanilla almond milk topped with Purely Elizabeth Ancient Grain Granola, apples, strawberries, bananas, chia seeds.

Wheat grass shots are nothing new, but I just found this wheat grass powder at (Harris Teeter) that makes adding it in a smoothie much less complicated. It didn’t affect the taste at all either!

Wheat grass has lots of health benefits and only 2 oz is equivalent to eating 4lbs of veggies! I’m not sure if you get the exact same benefits from the freeze fried powder as fresh, but i’m willing to try it!




**Purely Elizabeth Granola can be found at most grocery stores, target, and amazon. Dried Wheat Grass was at Harris Teeter.

ACV faves

There are so many health benefits to drinking Apple Cider Vinegar (such as balancing blood sugar, fights allergies, aids weight loss, relieves constipation, lowers blood pressure and detoxes the body). I picked up my Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar at Harris Teeter and I’ve already felt a good “clean” feeling from drinking it either at night or during the day. I’m trying to up my intake and see if it helps more with weight loss/ feeling bloated/ digestion. Let me know if you have any favorite recipes in the comments!

Favorite ACV recipes

  1. 8oz apple juice + 1 TBSP ACV + cinnamon and heat in microwave 1 min
  2. 80z water + 1 lemon + 1 TBSP ACV + 2 TBSP Maple Syrup + cinnamon + pinch of cayenne pepper + frozen strawberries + apple slices — let sit in fridge for a while and poor over ice (pictured)
  3. 80z Water + 1 lemon + 2 TBSP maple syrup + cayenne pepper + dash cinnamon (similar to the lemonade detox flush but added acv)
  4. Salad Dressing- 2 TBSP ACV, 2 TBSP Olive oil, salt + Pepper + garlic powder + 1/2 tsp of sweetener (I use splenda).. use as much or as little to suite your taste